Innovation and Agile Coaching
Design Thinking •
Agile •
Change Design
We believe that organizations need rebels!
Grounded in Agile and Design Thinking, grow!ngpains is in the business of activating you and your team’s inner rebel in times of rapid change and growth.
Our Agile Certified Practitioners guide you through the adoption of Agile and Design Thinking – as well as provide implementation services to help you navigate rapid growth or new transitions. We co-create Agile processes with clients, tailored to entrepreneurial and organizational needs for non-techies.
Advisory & Training Services
Implementation Services

For Individuals.

For Teams.

Certified Agile Practitioners coach emerging leaders and/or teams on adopting and adapting Agile that is grounded in empathy and incorporates Design Thinking. We let the environment and team influence our methodologies, and not the other way around. We hold ourselves accountable by minimizing the growing pains, and ensuring that all teams and individuals we work with are self-sufficient as soon as possible. Our goal is not to make the team dependent on us, but provide the right guidance, so they no longer need us. Our unique coaching model is five stages (MELAA): Motivation, Empathy, Learning, Adaption, and Adoption.

Trying to make your team more nimble? When we force nimble practices on our teams, we are comforted with painful resistance. To alleviate those pains, we use research in behavioral economics and learning practices, to tailor trainings to the learning styles of your team. Our hands-on and rigorous workshops use Agile and Design Thinking to emphasize iterative planning, quick response to constituents, rapid prototyping, and science based practices for nurturing creativity.
Lilo is an award-winning social innovator who has developed innovative processes for notable NGOs, including Ceres, United Way, Third Sector New England, and Mill City Grows. At Northeastern, he teaches graduate-level innovation management and strategy analysis. He also serves as the Faculty Lead for the undergraduate project management program. Before Northeastern University, Lilo designed an Innovation program at Nichols College. He has also taught Program Management at Clark University and Business Strategy Analysis at Villanova University. Lilo holds the Project Management Professional Credential (PMP), is a Certified Agile Practitioner, and a Certified Product Manager (CPM).

What People Are Saying!
Christina Brown
Founder & Executive Director
The Free Soil Arts Collective
Lilo is incredible. He coached me to leverage my theater background to become stronger in nonprofit communications and development, helping me envision options I had never considered before.
Training Participant
Summer 2019
It actually works! Design Thinking actually works!
Jeremy B.
Commonwealth Corporation
Lilo challenges non-profit leaders to design for and with their constituents, testing possible innovations against the real needs of the people and communities they serve. Lilo shows that by understanding real needs at a human scale, we can design interventions that make a BIG impact.